How to Have Purr-fect Faith, even at a cat show

Breeder and Author Laura Thomas shares her true story. This Inspirational Book teaches how to develop a personal relationship with God. How To Have Purr-Fect Faith, even at a cat show - is not just for cat lovers! God wants to be closer to you, will you let Him?

 How to Have Purr-fect Faith: (even at a catshow) Order your copy here.


inspirational book


Confessions of a Cat Breeder. . .

I believed in God, but I was depressed, struggling.
I knew all about God, but I didn't actually know HIM.
Deep inside, I just didn't feel "good enough" for God.



  Meet Laura Thomas, wife, mother, woman on the go, and cat lover- perhaps a lot like you. Laura had to discover what real faith was: The absence of fear, the Presence of trust. "When I gave God my fear, He gave me Purr-fect Faith!" "Perfect love casts out fear . . . " I John 4:18

About Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas is a renowned national championship-winning cat breeder living in Eastern Virginia. More than that, she is a woman of faith, expressing her daily relationship with God in everything she does and wherever she goes, encouraging others along the way with her central life-message:

"Live to fulfill God's dream for you.and watch your own dreams come true!"

For anyone thinking the Christian Life is boring, Laura's story will correct that notion. Written with her unique combination of humor and deep faith, "How to Have Purr-fect Faith. Evenat a Cat Show" (Abiding Books, July 2004) brings alive the adventures coming with taking your beliefs -and God - seriously.

Growing up, Laura says she "had no clue who God was." A divorced teenage mother and a survivor of abuse, she worked three jobs to pay the bills. When she remarried, her new family's first home was a chicken coop converted into a mobile home. One evening, Laura was washing the dishes, barely listening to the television on in another room. But then, the words of a gentleman on the 700 Club caught her attention. With a lump in her throat, she prayed aloud for Jesus to reveal Himself to her. He did, and her wondrous, new life-journey with God began . . .

"Called to a Cattery"

Laura's unforgettable, entertaining, and faith-filled message, Purr-fect faith is a true GEM. One you'll never forget. Let God touch your life, just as he did Laura's.

Praying in the bathtub, (her favorite prayer site), Laura declares her dream:

She would like to take her successful five-year hobby of breeding pedigreed Persians to the level of national competition. But . . . She has no experience showing cats at that level. But she is a woman of determination.

"I am a living example of active faith," says the author. "I am going through trials just like everyone else - yet I look for God beside me in each step I take."

In the bathtub, God makes it clear that Thomas's dream and His plan are the same. Competition is brutal, and every point counts, but she makes a long trek to the smallest show in the nation. Why? Because God has impressed upon her a song about a covered wagon. This show's flyer features a covered wagon, and there she meets a competitor with urgent questions about God and faith. This was the beginning of her new found understanding about life.

"HAuthor- Laura Thomasow to Have Purr-fect Faith, even at a cat show - helped me to find the very real, constant Presence of God in my life." - A Reader

"Many Christians today - especially women," says Laura, "dream of doing great things for God, but don't think their everyday activities are important enough for Him to be involved in them. I beg to differ."

Laura's message, in her book and in her life, is clear: God wants to be a part of everything you do, wherever you are, in good times and bad. Get it, and get going on your own spiritual dream-journey-today!

"How to Have Purr-fect Faith" shows how one can integrate faith in everyday living. Laura happens to show cats as a hobby, and although the book tells the story of how, through her faith, she achieved her dream, the dream did not happen instantly - nor without hardship and setbacks along the way. This is truly an inspirational book - on how true faith really does work wonders.

Now in a dynamic new book edition! READ Purr-fect Faith - the book Today!


"Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17)

Readers Testimony:

"I read much of it through a veil of tears. . . tears of joy . . . "

"I just finished reading How To Have Purr-fect Faith. I shared the joy . . .the sorrow . . . the doubts . . . the fears . . . and the faith. I read much of it through a veil of tears. . . tears of joy as the words brought back to me how much our Father loves us. All of us who are Christians have wondered if we are doing the right thing. This book gives us the direction and the inspiration to ask if this is His plan for our lives."

Virginia King, Freelance Writer



"Could not put it down, read it in one sitting. Laura Thomas's writing style is superb. Easily understandable, even for a nonbeliever. Gives insight into how a Christian struggles/overcomes daily obstacles and successes and grows in faith. OUTSTANDING!."

Susannah Pincheira


Learn more about Laura's spiritual journey in her Author Bio.

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If you email Laura, She'll give you a free e-copy of this book to anyone who asks.


The Castle Purrinlot Persian Cattery


About Laura as a Christian

About Laura As a Breeder


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